Here's a photo of my training area on Saturday. Beautiful isn't it?! I was in awe of this day. November 1st and soooo breathtaking. How many more of these will we get before Winter?
One thing I wonder about is how I managed to be doing three different God-oriented studies at once! Not a bad problem to have! And with my schedule...Anyway, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel made this statement about wonder: "As civilization advances, the sense of wonder declines." Is that really progress? Brennan Manning, in the book, The Ragamuffin Gospel, puts it this way, "We grow complacent and lead practical lives. We miss the experience of awe, reverence, and wonder." I can tell you first hand to find wonder just spend some time with a three year old! When I'm with Jayden, even the most common things become special again~ touching a fountain of water, looking at birds and trees and flowers, climbing a hill, running down a path, blowing bubbles, finger painting, making something with playdoh, petting a dog, eating M&M's, singing a song, looking at the sky...ALL MIRACLES to his little eyes. And when I'm with him, to mine, too! Lately, I've been worshipping at the church of nature. Communing with God in His world. My running and walking has taken me outdoors to wonder and marvel at all that has been created for the glory of God and given to us to enjoy. The weather has been crisp but sunny. The fall colors are bright and beautiful. As I push myself physically to exercise, I put myself out there with God as well. We talk. He is partnering with me to create beauty for ashes in my so-called life. Somehow, when I'm out in nature, that's when I hear the best from God. I am filled with the wonder of all that I see. It feels good to be alive. I feel good in my skin. I have gratitude for all that I've been given and how much there is to love about this existence. The air smells good. It tastes good. I appreciate my body. I am thankful for being so healthy. I am happy and content but not complacent! When you feel this alive, you want to make the most of the opportunities you've been granted in this life. Introspection leads me to believe that I AM grabbing life, living it full-out, living it BIG! I am following the path I am called to. Knowing that I am in the Will of Heaven gives me peace. And excitement! I just don't know what's around the next corner, what's in the next chapter, what tomorrow will bring. But, I trust God and I know my life and times are in His hands~no worries! Walker Percy, a Southern novelist, tells of his life prior to having a near-fatal heart attack, absorbed in "everydayness". He goes on, "It is only the reality of death that is powerful enough to quicken people out of the sluggishness of everyday life and into an active search for what life is really about." We are asked to choose between "generativity and stagnation, between continuing to have an impact, or sitting around waiting to die." Another nugget of truth from Brennan Manning: Each moment of our existence, we are either growing into more or retreating into less.
Rabbi Heschel ended a prayer this way: I do not ask to see the reason for it all; I ask only to share the wonder of it all. That's where I'm at with my great, big, fat LIFE! Thanks for listening and sharing this path with me :-)
Thanks for sharing your heart Lana. So much to think about and worthwhile to remember. As always, interesting to read too!! :-)
Thanks for sharing your heart Lana. So much to think about and worthwhile to remember. As always, interesting to read too!! :-)
i would not mind reading a book if you wrote it this reads like one of those daily devotionals, only better:) you are the christian version of henry david thoreau. ha ha ha!
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