Monday, August 4, 2008

Memories! Thanks, Mothership!

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I have had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! And if you only know me from blogging, then leave a comment about your favorite post(s) and why you keep coming back! :)
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you! This could, no doubt, be an enlightening experience for us all!! I hope everyone remembers Mother's advice about if you can't say something nice...Anyway, if you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you are playing the game and I'll come to your blog(myspace or facebook) and leave a memory about you. If you don't want to play on your blog(myspace or facebook) or if you don't have a blog (why ever not?), I'll leave my memory of you in the comments on my blog.
Be brave. Let's see what happens!


Cheryl said...

Hi Lona,

Well, as you know, so far, my only memories of you are what you can do with those magic fingers and hands to relieve all the knots and stress from my neck, shoulders and back!! I look forward to more of your great magic and maybe even a "social" meeting or two when you're not off doing all the fun things you seem to do!


Carol Sue said...

I remember the great body rub/massage that my sis Rachel paid for when I was in Holland in May....I always have a sore body due to RA.....I remember the funny stories you told me about Portland and all of our crappy decisions about men we have made in the past. See you soon

Rachel Nykerk said...

I have alot of good memories spending quality time with you Lana. I really enjoyed watching our young men play football at HCHS, the parent after football parties, the hot tub, the drinks, and the laughs. As far as my favorite post goes, yours are all great, it would be hard to narrow to one. I did really love the one about Olive. My grandmother lived to be 108, I loved her, she also had alot of life and spirit.

Carol Sue said...

PS....I also loved your July 29 post of the 100 list of things that you don't like...all of your blogs are great. I don't know how you find the time.
Like my sis Rachel, I also loved the Olive story...I checked out more about her on line

Mothership said...

Well our memories of eachother are just starting, but I got to tell you how great I think you are and I am still laughing at your underwear chronicles its gots to be my fav. hehehehe

Lana Mae Kamer said...

OK, girls-I didn't see a memories post on anyone's blog so I'm going to share my memories of you here. Cheryl-You and I have had some of the best conversations! I have enjoyed the time we've spent together and I appreciate so much the support you give me on my blog as well as allowing me to tag along on your blogging experience!
Carol Sue-we did really click when you were here and I'm looking forward to picking that up again when I get to Portland. We share our love of dogs, Rachel, massages, and blogging-oh, yeah, sports, too! Are you obsessed with the Olympics right now or what??
Rachel-I have fun with you all the time! I do have to say that it was a special time for us while the boys were playing football. Those are the fondest of times!
Mothership-I do appreciate your care and support also and I would say, likewise, we are going to have some fun memories in Oregon the next two weeks and I love all your posts with your four-legged family members. Oh, yeah, I'm quite favorable to the two-legged ones as well. Can't wait to meet you and PawPa Dog in person!
Thanks so much for all the love and support you send my way!!

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