I look out my back door and see the first cutting of hay for the season. There's hay like this in all the surrounding fields. There's always something to notice and admire when you live in the country. I saw a doe running through the neighbor's field right before I snapped this shot!
I let the dogs out and they race to investigate. Gunther gives it the sniff test...then up goes the leg!
I look at my barn and dream of the day when it will be finished inside- with seven beautiful stalls- and my own horses inside- with a lovely white fence around my pasture- and all this hay will be for them instead of the neighbors cows!
Hay rolls also mean that summer is slipping away-enjoy it while you can-make the most of every moment. We know that in less than 6 months the snow will return...but for now, it's perfect!
This is what I wake up to every day. I feel so blessed! Yeah, sometimes I forget to focus on what I have instead of what is missing. I start thinking about how out of control the yard is and how much work it is to keep this all up and how many things need fixing and cleaning and redoing in the house...but really, I love it here. It's peaceful and quiet and there are always birds and animals, ducks in the ponds and geese touching down in the fall. There are gardens and flowers and people riding bikes and horses. I see deer out here almost daily and beavers and nutria, possums, and porcupines, raccoons, foxes and of course, the ever-popular stink bombs, the skunks! There's a group of wild turkeys that live down the road. I love to see Gunther and Patches running through the field. They chase birds and bunnies and each other. Sometimes they're sooo naughty and don't come back when I call! Especially when I have to leave for work! You can see that they are in the height of their glory! Jayden comes to visit Granny and we have a place to blow bubbles and hang-out. We do pop-its and sparklers and playdoh outside. The boys like to grill most every night in the summer. We often have a bonfire in the pit out back.Things could always be better, I guess. But things are really pretty good. I am very grateful for my life, as it is, in this moment.
Beautiful outlook (the environment and your views on your life). Isn’t it amazing how beautiful things are when we look at and appreciate what we have vs. what we don’t? It aint easy sometimes for sure but it seems you have a LOT to be grateful for. Way to point out how we miss it by being the one to see it. You live in Rach & my dream environment - congrats Sis and enjoy!
You'll have to visit sometime. Michigan has a lot going for it-especially Lake Michigan! I live fairly close to the beach. This place reminds me of Oregon in some ways.
Funny - Rach said that very thing. We would love to see your part of the country. We almost moved to Michigan several years ago and changed our mind at the last minute and ended up moving here to Portland (the first time - this is our 3rd).
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