Jayden was fascinated with these little butterfly puzzles. We played there for a really long time....
Here Jayden is at the Meijer Gardens. As you can see, I haven't learned how to use my camera very well yet but ya' gotta start somewhere and I know I'll get better as I go along-look how far I've come in this blog in just 3 weeks!
If you want to see more of the Meijer Gardens click on my blog link to the Frederik Meijer Gardens.
Thanks so much for posting the pictures of our very cute grandson. I appreciate how you have stepped out there with the blog and have taken a risk that many others only wish they could do. Now all you have to do is move to Sunny and warm Southern California to find your dream man as well as your dream job that you have worked so hard to obtain. Is there any possibility that I could once again be that dream man? This area is a wealth of fast cars, fast people and lots of money or so it seems that one has to acquire to live any kind of life out here. Its certainly different than West Michigan. By the way I posted a long response to the blog and it seems to get lost in cyberspace or so it seems.
It dealt with the drivers on the freeway system and how they change personalities when they get behind the wheel. They seem to be in such a hurry to get somewhere, but when they get there they don't know what to do. They also uncloak there persona and revert to being kind and considerate. They seem to play a game on the freeway of when one turns on a blinker they try to see how little space they can give one to slip in and change lanes. Well thats about it from Sunny Southern California. See ya all (tyler, Trevor, the cats and dogs and that cute grandson in one week from today. Love ya lots.
Lewis-thanks for the many kind words!It's good to know you have confidence in my abilities. Reconciliation means different things to different people. I am really happy that we are getting along much more congenially these days.I do not want to be at odds with you. On one level, you are one of my longest running relationships outside of my own parents and siblings and a few other friends.However,that does not a marriage make!I think it's beautiful that we can both exercise forgiveness in this situation. I also think it says a lot that we both wish to continue being a part of one another's lives. This will go a long way to help our children and grandchildren still feel connected to both of us and to see that you don't just give up on the people in your life. In that respect we are setting a good example. The unresolved issues of the marriage remain unresolved.There are huge obstacles in the area of trust and personal integrity that would have to be radically restored in order for me to resume a relationship with you at the level you speak of. It would be within God's domain to work a miracle there. I continue to be open to that possibility. In the meantime, I am continuing on with my life here and being pleased that much of the bitterness and hurt has left us and some of the good stuff we shared has survived.It's nice that after over 25 years together we still have regard for one another. For now, I'm concentrating on running my own race and becoming more fully the person I am meant to be.Could you be the man of my dreams? Lewis, I am not sure about that one! Move to California? WOA!! How about friendship first? We can take the opportunity while you are here for Tyler's birthday to work on that.Deal? I am looking forward to seeing you again. Thanks for remembering the cats and dogs! Thanks for all your wonderful support lately of my writing and my efforts with the coaching academy and for the offer of working with you this Fall.
See you Sunday!!
Much love,
Cool pictures. Wink!
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