Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Path I Walk: Dig Deep

Water has a calming effect on me. I've always loved the beach. That's where my path went this week. Winter is's almost here! I know there won't be too many more opportunities to walk the pier until next Spring. So make the most of every opportunity. That's sort of my theme this week, too. Opportunities come our way from many directions. Not all opportunities are appropriate, available, or possible.Discretion and discernment comes in handy here! Some opportunities are only offered during a specific time of our lives and then they disappear forever. Some come again at a different season in our lives. A second chance experience we missed the first time around-Thank God for second chances! There are times when, in choosing, we close the door to some opportunities because not all paths are open to us at all moments in time. Accepting this fact can be difficult. There is a price to pay for choosing a course of action. Other things must be let go...I have had the experience of being rejected because of some choices or losing friendships or associations because my goals, aspirations, beliefs, and values were not acceptable to some people. It can be a lonely place to stand. There is a price. Sometimes the price exacted is in the form of available free time. To focus in one area may exclude time for another.That means I can't be in all places at all times and be all things to all people.I must choose. There are always choices. Opportunities come to those who are looking, open to possibility, and willing to take action~ah, yes, there's the kicker! Many opportunities pass through our fingers if we fail to act. I am learning on this path to listen to the voice of God in my life, which speaks to me through scripture, prayer, meditation, people in my fellowship circle, and the opportunities that are delivered at my feet. There's no pulling over to the side of the road in life either! Most of the opportunities come our way when we are busy working, raising families, going to school, having relationships, doing housework, running errands, etc. We usually don't get the luxury of dropping everything to pursue a goal or dream. That's where the digging deep comes in. People always ask me how I work two jobs, go to school full time, try to keep a house, manage to care for all my pets, have a relationship with my sons and grandson, keep in touch with my family in Oregon, attend church and life group, lead a team at church, and still find time to blog and be social with friends. Truth is, we all have a stronger core than we realize. Intention is a huge factor. I aim myself truly and then maintain my aim. One foot in front of the other. Keep moving forward. It is painful sometimes. It gets hard. I get off-course, distracted, derailed sometimes. I get discouraged. I get overwhelmed. But, I push on. Dig deep. I am firmly convinced that I CAN do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me! Digging deep is a way of life. Make the most of the life you've been given! This weekend our church is cancelling Sunday services to go out into the community to do service projects. We are going to extend God's love to others through our acts of service, kindness and love. Don't let opportunities get by you-big or small-DIG DEEP!

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